Year of Weather
Unsolicited, 2024

Open-weather Feminist Handbook: A Preamble
Palgrave Macmillan, 2024

Weather Between Us
Unsolicited, 2024

Non Linear Narratives: Tech Week
Royal Academy of Art (KABK), The Hague, 2024

Workshop with Ràdio Web MACBA
Ràdio Web MACBA, 2023

Stars in Their Eyes: Workshop and Exchange with Adriana Knouf
Sonic Acts and ArtScience Interfaculty, Royal Academy of Art (KABK), The Hague, 2023

DIY Satellite Imagery Reception and Reading with Peak Peers
Peak, 2023

Collaboration with Croydon High School for Girls Astrogazers
Croydon School for Girls, 2023

Remote Teacher Training
Nature–Culture–Sustainability Studies at Rhode Island School of Design, 2023

Feminist Space Agency
Digital Cultures Lab at Nieuwe Instituut, 2023

Claiming*Spaces Summer School
Claiming*Spaces at TU Wien, 2023

Atmosférica: Semana de la Escucha
Tsonami Arte Sonoro, 2023

Interview for Neural magazine
Neural, 2023

When I image the earth, I imagine another
Library Stack, 2023

DIY Satellite Ground Station Workshop × Sonic Acts
Sonic Acts, 2022

‘Body’ in Words of Weather: A Glossary
Onassis Stegi, 2022

Learn about signal decoding and how open-weather APT works
open-weather, 2022

DIY Satellite Ground Station Workshop × Weather Engines
Onassis Stegi, 2022

Story of the Feminist Antifascist Weather Front
Ecoes Magazine, 2022

How to capture satellite images in your backyard – and contribute to a snapshot of the climate crisis
The Conversation, 2022

Im/Possible Images Reader
Lotringer 13 Halle, 2021

Impossible Weather Station
Lotringer 13 Halle, 2021

Satellite Séance for Collective
Collective Gallery, 2021

What does a raw NOAA image look like?
Open-weather, 2021

Energy Systems
Well Projects, 2020

Air Matters Symposium: Politics of Air
Watermans Arts Centre, 2019

Lore of the Radio Fossil
Unsolicited, 2017