Weather Between Us
The most amorphous and ephemeral of ordinary things may be those subtle and dramatic forces and events that we think of collectively in the everyday as ‘weather’.
Susanne Gannon, Ordinary Atmospheres and Minor Weather Events (2016)
The Weather Between Us (22 December 2023 – 30 September 2024) is a durational project that asks: how are our relations to weather and climate changed by making time in the day, everyday, to listen to the transmissions of weather satellites, to our local weathers and environments? What does this routine feel like, in the moment and cumulatively?
Starting on 22 December 2023 during the hottest year since global records began in 1850, we (Soph Dyer and Sasha Engelmann) have been receiving satellite images, writing weather notes and creating documentation of our process. These materials are uploaded daily to the open-weather Public Archive.
As weather satellites orbit over our locations at different times each day, this means rushing out of our workplaces between meetings with radio antennas in hand, spending our lunch break in the local park with a DIY Ground Satellite Station or cycling to open ground for a ‘good view of the sky’. On some days, the weather between us is the polar jet stream, a meandering wind connecting London and Vienna with particulates, aeroplankton and water. On other days it is a political climate, illness, or the preoccupations of long distance friendship.
As we unpack our antennas we ask: Will the repetitions of this daily routine affect how we relate to weather and climate? What will we learn about the different ways in which our lives are already bound up with multiple weathers? How might we create images and stories of these ordinary and dramatic experiences?