Public Archive

A patchy record of DIY satellite imagery and weather notes since 2020. The open-weather public archive is open to everyone willing and able to contribute.

Words for Climate

An evolving set of words chosen by contributors to reflect their experiences of the climate crisis.
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Ground Station Type
Automatic Ground Stations are local, semi-permanent stations that record and upload satellite transmissions automatically once per day. Manual ground stations are DIY and often mobile; operators manually record and upload satellite transmissions.
The archive contains Automatic Picture Transmissions (APT) by US weather satellites NOAA-15, NOAA-18 and NOAA-19.
Collective earth-sensing events led by open-weather, co-produced by a network of contributors around the world.
A list of tagged contributors only. Please contact us if you want to be added.
859 archive entries × Clear Filters
2025-01-28 08:22:43
Soph Dyer
Wien, Austria
Testing, testing. Same antenna position, same satellite, different dipoles and a lower altitude pass of 54º. Vienna Inner City weather station at 3pm: temp. 16.8°C relative humidity 52% wind South, 29 km/h precipitation [last hour] 0 mm Sun [last hour] 19% air pressure 997.0 hPa Source:
2025-01-28 09:57:00
Filip Shatlan and Diana Engelmann
Gainesville, Florida , United States
United States
2025-01-29 11:35:49
Sasha Engelmann
Royal Holloway University , United Kingdom
United Kingdom
My colleagues joke that January has been a sodden, dark, misty tunnel. On a decaying picnic table next to the Physics Department, I notice bright orange fungi, like colourful jelly strung across the peeling blue paint. It reminds me of a kind of fungi I once saw in the temperate rainforest at the bank of the Puget Sound, near Seattle.
2025-01-30 11:33:00
Filip Shatlan and Diana Engelmann
Gainesville, Florida , United States
United States
2025-01-31 10:45:00
Prajvi + Alex
Landaff Fields, Cardiff , UK
NOAA 19 clear sunny blue sky with 7pmh winds. Keeping the antenna close to our bodies helps to receive a clearer signal. Standing in the sun with our eyes closed and listening to the sound is meditative. Fascinating to see the image and imagine ourselves as a body in a green field, but also a global body in this vast sky
2025-01-31 11:20:00
Filip Shatlan and Diana Engelmann
Gainesville, Florida , United States
United States
2025-02-01 11:07:00
Filip Shatlan and Diana Engelmann
Gainesville, Florida , United States
United States
2025-02-01 11:54:00
Leipzig, Germany
2025-02-01 22:44:00
Cosmos Astronomy Club
Pune, India
2025-02-02 10:21:25
Sasha Engelmann
Hackney Downs, London, United Kingdom
United Kingdom
"Has your aerial gotten bigger?" a woman chasing a brown curly haired dog asked me. "Maybe its just how you're holding it!" she added. We laughed as her dog ran away. I tried to remember where I had met her before. After a somewhat stormy week, the air is crisp and the sky is a clear blue. The pressure is around 1023 hPa, suggesting clear weather for the rest of the day. I notice that bulbs are already poking up through the grass on the edge of the park. A 2022 study at Cambridge showed that flowers in the UK are blooming an average of one month earlier than they used to, and this is putting them out of sync with the insects that they need to reproduce, and that need them for food. As of yesterday, the Palisades fire in Los Angeles is 100% contained. Checking the Calfire maps every day, often multiple times per day, since Tuesday January 7th was a ritual that I hope I will never have to repeat.
2025-02-02 10:34:00
Filip Shatlan and Diana Engelmann
Gainesville, Florida , United States
United States
2025-02-02 18:15:43
Pauline Woolley
The Urban Garden, Nottingham, UK
Having accidentally left out my aerial and SDR for two nights I feared my kit was dead. Having left the kit to dry for a good 24 hours I tried two passes this morning that had such bad interference I felt annoyingly gloomy even with a day of blue skies and sun. However after some online forum research and some kind soul giving me some tips for testing it looks like my precious kit is okay. The Moon and Venus are neighbours tonight. 3.7 degrees Celcius 74% humidity 1015 hPa/mb
2025-02-03 10:21:00
Filip Shatlan and Diana Engelmann
Gainesville, Florida , United States
United States
2025-02-04 07:45:00
Filip Shatlan and Diana Engelmann
Gainesville, Florida , United States
United States
2025-02-04 11:58:26
Ning Pang
Broadway Fields, UK
Cloudy, windy, a little bit cold. A long cloud through UK.
2025-02-04 11:59:25
Deyi Xu, Guo Zhen, Somin Yu, Weiting Diao, Yu-Hsin Hsiao, Ziyi Yang
Near the Deptford Bridge DLR station, United Kingdom
United Kingdom
Cloudy, just like the typical British weather, also a bit cold. And I did see heavy clouds in the image.
2025-02-04 12:04:03
deptford high street park, uk
Today in the UK, the weather was cold and grey, but while experiencing this, we were receiving ticking sounds from a satellite and converting them into an image. The resulting image of the sky was striking and different from the one outside, blending technology and nature. The climate crisis is evident in my community with more erratic weather patterns, storms, and rising pollution. The contrast between the natural world and the technology used to interpret it highlights both the challenges and potential solutions we face in addressing climate change.
2025-02-05 09:56:00
Filip Shatlan and Diana Engelmann
Gainesville, Florida , United States
United States
2025-02-06 11:44:00
Filip Shatlan and Diana Engelmann
Gainesville, Florida , United States
United States
2025-02-06 19:12:00
Empoli, Italia
Received with a remote SDR
2025-02-07 11:21:32
Sasha Engelmann
Between Queens and Schilling buildings, Royal Holloway University of London, United Kingdom
United Kingdom
Yesterday the pressure over London climbed to 1034 hPa. As I cycled to London Bridge, it felt like anything in the air was being pushed out, even flung out, of the air above the city. I could see a dark cloud in the distance but as I cycled its shape got smaller and smaller, fleeing. The temperature had also dropped several degrees. Everything felt to be in motion, an intensity of forces. As I left the house at 6:30am today, the coldness remained but the pressure had dropped. During my lecture in Atmospheres: Nature, Culture, Politics, the rain suddenly arrived, pelting the classroom’s porous windows with great urgency. ‘Hello rain!’ I said in my lecture. During a break I cracked a window and observed two muntjack deer grazing placidly on the field below.
2025-02-07 11:31:00
Filip Shatlan and Diana Engelmann
Gainesville, Florida , United States
United States
2025-02-08 11:19:00
Filip Shatlan and Diana Engelmann
Gainesville, Florida , United States
United States
2025-02-09 11:32:13
Michele Boulogne and Judith Ramitha Gunaratne
Amsterdam, Nieuwe West area, The Netherlands
The Netherlands
Heavy winter over the Netherlands, it's been weeks around zero; the dry air can get through anything. From above, NOAA19 beams through a wide mantle of clouds, they seem settled and a attached to the European continent- yet I've rarely see them swirling so fast, hiding then revealing our sun every hour.
2025-02-10 10:35:00
Filip Shatlan and Diana Engelmann
Gainesville, Florida , United States
United States
2025-02-11 10:21:00
Filip Shatlan and Diana Engelmann
Gainesville, Florida , United States
United States
2025-02-11 18:38:54
Lublin, Poland
Receive location: Lublin, Poland Time: 18:38 Software: SDR++ Hardware: RTL-SDR v4, dipole antenna on window
2025-02-12 21:29:00
Filip Shatlan and Diana Engelmann
Gainesville, Florida , United States
United States
2025-02-13 09:56:00
Filip Shatlan and Diana Engelmann
Gainesville, Florida , United States
United States
2025-02-14 11:43:00
Filip Shatlan and Diana Engelmann
Gainesville, Florida , United States
United States
2025-02-15 09:54:38
Steve Engelmann
Santa Monica Pier, United States
United States
Mostly sunny skies and 16°C - pretty normal for a southern California February. After 8 months of no rain, the last 3 weeks has helped to finally put out the fires and bring the area out of fire danger.
2025-02-15 11:18:31
Applicant Visit Day attendees
Between Queens and Schilling Buildings, Royal Holloway University of London, United Kingdom
United Kingdom
This image was collected by a group of secondary school students who attended an Applicant Visit Day at Royal Holloway. During the pass, Meteor MN2-3 made an appearance on the same frequency as NOAA 18!
2025-02-15 22:49:00
Filip Shatlan and Diana Engelmann
Gainesville, Florida , United States
United States
2025-02-16 11:17:00
Filip Shatlan and Diana Engelmann
Gainesville, Florida , United States
United States
2025-02-17 10:46:00
Filip Shatlan and Diana Engelmann
Gainesville, Florida , United States
United States
2025-02-17 11:27:00
Cosmos Astronomy Club
Pune, India
2025-02-17 12:32:20
Sasha Engelmann
Hackney Downs, London, United Kingdom
United Kingdom
Some sunlight was very welcome after many days of freezing, rainy weather. As I tracked NOAA-18 over the Atlantic at only 31 degrees maximum elevation to the west, three women and a dog came over to ask what I was doing. One of them turned out to be a former physics teacher and professor, and we discussed satellite orbits. The small, short haired dog kept bouncing across my laptop. During the pass I thought of a recent rebroadcast of a 1970s radio interview in which the host described February as a month that is 'honest'. It doesn't lead you to think that things are any different than they are. It is miserable, and everyone knows it. Cheerful holidays like Mardi Gras are balanced by Ash Wednesday. If you make it through February, the host said, you will make it through the year...
2025-02-18 10:34:00
Filip Shatlan and Diana Engelmann
Gainesville, Florida , United States
United States
2025-02-19 10:09:55
Royal Holloway University of London, United Kingdom
United Kingdom
2025-02-19 10:21:00
Filip Shatlan and Diana Engelmann
Gainesville, Florida , United States
United States
2025-02-20 11:54:48
Richard A Carter
University of York, Campus East, United Kingdom
United Kingdom
First notably warm day of the year, unusually so in February, at 15C. Blustery. Malfunctioning equipment cut off both the start and end of the transmission recording - which also survived a complete computer crash.
2025-02-20 21:28:00
Filip Shatlan and Diana Engelmann
Gainesville, Florida , United States
United States
2025-02-21 11:53:00
Filip Shatlan and Diana Engelmann
Gainesville, Florida , United States
United States
2025-02-22 11:41:00
Filip Shatlan and Diana Engelmann
Gainesville, Florida , United States
United States
2025-02-23 22:48:00
Filip Shatlan and Diana Engelmann
Gainesville, Florida , United States
United States
2025-02-24 11:15:00
Filip Shatlan and Diana Engelmann
Gainesville, Florida , United States
United States
2025-02-24 22:51:00
Cosmos Astronomy Club
Pune, India
2025-02-25 10:46:00
Filip Shatlan and Diana Engelmann
Gainesville, Florida , United States
United States
2025-02-25 11:25:00
Cosmos Astronomy Club
Pune, India
2025-02-26 19:24:00
Filip Shatlan and Diana Engelmann
Gainesville, Florida , United States
United States
2025-03-02 13:06:06
Pauline Woolley
The Urban Garden, Nottingham, UK
A very low 22 degree pass on a cloudless March afternoon. After weeks of being trapped under a sheet of grey the scattered blue light of the sky is so very welcome. I sit listening to the beeps of the pass watching a sleepy Bumble Bee wave around after his winter rest. Yellow Hazel catkins tremble on a slight breeze and seem to vibrate in time with the click of the radio waves. For this brief moment, everything is connected. 11 degrees Celsius 54% humidity 1032mb
2025-03-02 22:58:00
Filip Shatlan and Diana Engelmann
Gainesville, Florida , United States
United States
2025-03-03 11:14:02
Sasha Engelmann
Between Queens and Schilling Buildings, Royal Holloway University of London, United Kingdom
United Kingdom
The alps curve with sharp icy edges, highlighted against the otherwise dark land surfaces of Europe. Around campus, and across parks in London, purple and yellow bulbs are pushing through the grass. I fight the urge to lie down on the grass and smell them up close, aware of surrounding students.
2025-03-04 22:33:00
Filip Shatlan and Diana Engelmann
Gainesville, Florida , United States
United States
2025-03-05 10:47:00
Filip Shatlan and Diana Engelmann
Gainesville, Florida , United States
United States
2025-03-05 21:38:00
Vienna Automatic
Vienna, Austria
This is the first test transmission from the Vienna Automatic station.
2025-03-06 18:38:00
Vienna Automatic
Vienna, Austria
2025-03-07 11:24:00
Vienna Automatic
Vienna, Austria
We've skipped from winter to summer. It's already t-shirt weather.
2025-03-07 21:41:00
Filip Shatlan and Diana Engelmann
Gainesville, Florida , United States
United States