Impossible Weather Station
The Impossible Weather Station is a tactical space for producing counter-images of weather that demonstrate the impossibility of both contemporary weather forecasts and the optics of Google Earth.
What would counter-images of earth look like? How can we image the weather as well as the systems that produce it over time? Once per week, the Impossible Weather Station is activated in order to capture a transmission from a National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) satellite. The process of capturing this image is more-than-technical: it involves attending to local meteorological conditions, centring the body in the technical system and sensing the satellite in visible, audible and electromagnetic registers.
Over the duration of the Impossible Weather Station, the public is invited to invent their own readings of the weather. A series of Impossible Weather Reports synthesise the weekly weather images into a fragmentary account of local and trans-local histories, forces and weathers.

Gallery: Lothringer 13 Halle
Curators: Rosa Menkman, Luzi Grosscuratorial
Installer: Christian Eisenberg
Artists: Memo Akten, Peter Edwards, Open-weather, Fabian Heller, Rosa Menkman, Susan Schuppli, UCNV, Alan Warburton, Daniel Temkin, Ingrid Burrington