Local Date
22 March 2025Local Time
Hackney Downs, LondonCountry or Territory
United KingdomName
Sasha EngelmannSatellite
NOAA-19Radio Callsign
Archive ID
"That's so MacGyver!" says a blonde woman with a dog when I explain my tape-measure Yagi-Uda antenna. She and her friend / partner chat to me for a few minutes and walk off yelling back funding schemes that open-weather could apply to. "Welcome Trust.... Discovery Grant! Check it out!" I hear as they leave audible distance. I wonder if I've just met an arts and culture boss of some kind. I had come out to the park around 10:20am to catch a NOAA-19 pass that would pass over London at 90 degrees in maximum elevation- an elevation I have only rarely seen in my whole career capturing satellite images. A boy's football team is practising in my usual spot, so my reception is perhaps not as perfect as it normally is when I can see a perfect diagonal North-South across the Downs. Spring is everywhere today, in shooting daffodils and unfurling leaves. A twiggy plant that I had previously identified as a Serbian Lilac in my front garden reveals itselt to be a sycamore tree as its leaves unfold.