Local Date

7 February 2025

Local Time



Between Queens and Schilling buildings, Royal Holloway University of London

Country or Territory

United Kingdom


Sasha Engelmann



Radio Callsign


Archive ID


Yesterday the pressure over London climbed to 1034 hPa. As I cycled to London Bridge, it felt like anything in the air was being pushed out, even flung out, of the air above the city. I could see a dark cloud in the distance but as I cycled its shape got smaller and smaller, fleeing. The temperature had also dropped several degrees. Everything felt to be in motion, an intensity of forces.

As I left the house at 6:30am today, the coldness remained but the pressure had dropped. During my lecture in Atmospheres: Nature, Culture, Politics, the rain suddenly arrived, pelting the classroom’s porous windows with great urgency. ‘Hello rain!’ I said in my lecture. During a break I cracked a window and observed two muntjack deer grazing placidly on the field below.


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