Public Archive

A patchy record of DIY satellite imagery and weather notes since 2020. The open-weather public archive is open to everyone willing and able to contribute.

Words for Climate

An evolving set of words chosen by contributors to reflect their experiences of the climate crisis.
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Ground Station Type
Automatic Ground Stations are local, semi-permanent stations that record and upload satellite transmissions automatically once per day. Manual ground stations are DIY and often mobile; operators manually record and upload satellite transmissions.
The archive contains Automatic Picture Transmissions (APT) by US weather satellites NOAA-15, NOAA-18 and NOAA-19.
Collective earth-sensing events led by open-weather, co-produced by a network of contributors around the world.
A list of tagged contributors only. Please contact us if you want to be added.
865 of 857 archive entries × Clear Filters
2024-09-09 12:36:26
Toronto (High Park), Canada
2024-09-27 10:22:22
Alabama, United States
United States
2000-01-01 00:00:00
2001-01-01 01:01:01
2025-02-04 12:04:03
deptford high street park, uk
Today in the UK, the weather was cold and grey, but while experiencing this, we were receiving ticking sounds from a satellite and converting them into an image. The resulting image of the sky was striking and different from the one outside, blending technology and nature. The climate crisis is evident in my community with more erratic weather patterns, storms, and rising pollution. The contrast between the natural world and the technology used to interpret it highlights both the challenges and potential solutions we face in addressing climate change.
2024-11-25 18:09:02
South West England, United Kingdom
United Kingdom
As storm Bert leaves I take the opportunity to test my mobile rig consisting of electrical wire in a joiner, a short coax, RTL-SDR and a Samsung Galaxy S6. With no rain and a light breeze I was quite happy wandering around and aiming it roughly. I did not expect it to work so well after reading up on the 137MHz antenna variants and the precice calculations, pass filters and leaky coax.
2021-10-31 11:01:12
Aaron McCarthy Alison Scott
Glasgow, Scotland, Scotland, UK
Scotland, UK
I normally check the N2YO NOAA satellite predictions alongside the MET office weather forecast, trying to pick ‘good’ passes on ‘good’ days. Because we’re heading into winter, with shortening days and darkening skies, this doesn’t always happen. Today is Halloween, Samhain, marking the end of the harvest and the start of winter; thought to be a liminal time when boundaries thin between worlds. Today I would be out whatever the weather to take part in the nowcast, to tune in to the transmission of an orbiting body. I decided this morning to stay away from the COP26 crowds: stay close to home for a quick escape from the rain, setting up in my usual spot in a park in the Southside of Glasgow. I had planned to head down to the river – get close to the summit site, the UN territory, and the many offshoots – but couldn’t think of an open space (not being used, closed or heavily policed) where I could see the sky. Today the weather became an obstacle – as it does when it makes itself known – and a challenge. How to protect a laptop and a tangle of cables? I can handle rivlets running up sleeves, raindrops on glasses, and there are waterproofs designed for my body. Still, for a city that gets a lot of rain, there’s very little shelter in public places. With the help of my partner I fashion protection for my ground station by balancing two umbrellas on a picnic blanket, on a bench, up the grassy hill in the park. He very kindly keeps the brolly-shelter set up under control while I tune in to the satellite, pointing the antenna to the North North East, into the rain cloud hanging over the city. He points out to me I’m aiming towards the SECC (the COP26 summit site) – on a clear day this is a good vantage point. It’s pretty dreich: consistent heavy rain, but not quite an absolute battering. Normally I would stretch my arm out more, move around with the satellite’s transmission as it moves from NNE to SSW, but this time just stay low and move less in an attempt to keep the dongle and cables as dry as I can. This makes me a bit clumsy and the recording a bit short. I don’t know if the umbrellas have an effect or likewise the extra-closeness of bodies to the antenna. The sound of the satellite transmission comes brightly through the static, through the cloud. A woman appears behind me and asks a question. I think I must look like I’m holding an umbrella without the fabric. It’s a variation of the usual response I’ve got to being in public with an big turnstile antenna (‘what is it you’re trying to do?’) but I don’t hear her at first as I’m listening to the radio transmission with headphones on. Wet dogs run about at our feet. She is friendly, not that interested, just tidying up her allotment in the plot in the park and noticed something unusual. She tells me she is drenched but if you wanted to stay dry in Scotland you’d never do anything, would you?
2022-10-14 20:23:03
Andrea González
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Rainy night
2022-02-12 19:14:52
Andric Spaeth
Kassel, Germany
Partly Cloudy
2024-09-14 12:23:54
Leipzig, Germany
Here: Warm sun, grey skies. Just south of here: Extreme weather events all over Central Europe.
2020-09-06 03:52:02
Ankit Sharma
Mumbai, India
Sky – Mostly clear with few Clouds, sunny day , Ambient Temperature – 35 Degree Celsius, Country – India.
2020-09-06 03:52:02
Ankit Sharma
Mumbai, India
Sky – Cloudy, Ambient Temperature – 31 degree celsius, Country – India.
2020-09-06 03:52:01
Ankit Sharma
Mumbai, India
Sky – Clear, Ambient Temperature – 29 Degree Celsius, Night pass, Country – India.
2020-09-06 03:52:01
Ankit Sharma
Mumbai, India
Sky – Clear, Ambient Temperature – 29 degree Celsius, Night Pass, Country – India.
2020-09-06 03:51:59
Ankit Sharma
Mumbai, India
Sky – Totally Clear, Very sunny and warm Atmosphere, Ambient Temperature – 36 Degree Celsius. Country – India.
2021-10-31 07:34:44
Ankit Sharma
Mumbai, India
Weather during this reception was pleasant, windy moderate temp of 27 degree Celsius felt like 25. Humidity was high. Sky was totally clear with no clouds.
2021-10-31 09:51:39
Ankit Sharma
Mumbai, India
weather had changed to hot and humid . More windy and clear sky. Peak Increase in Dust up to the limit that my laptop had a layer of dust on it when checked post reception. heavy pollution was felt .
2021-10-31 11:32:06
Ankit Sharma
Mumbai, India
Very hot and Humid as well as Very very dusty.
2023-05-18 09:51:51
Ankit Sharma
West Lafayette, Indiana, USA, United States
United States
Clear Sky, temp around 20 deg celsius
2023-05-18 10:25:53
Ankit Sharma
West Lafayette, Indiana, USA, United States
United States
Clear sky, temperature – 20 deg. Celsius
2023-05-18 12:48:37
Ankit Sharma
West Lafayette, Indiana, USA, United State
United State
Clear Sky, 20 deg Celsius temperature.
2022-05-07 19:38:41
athens, Greece
2023-11-08 07:34:42
Anna Madeleine Raupach
Ngunnawal / Ngambri Country, ACT, Australia
ACT, Australia
The sun was bright although there were clouds in the sky. I remember there were flies and insects in the air. While receiving this image I noticed my mobile network was down, and after returning home I found out that Optus (one of Australia's main data networks) had a nation-wide outage. I am not sure if this would have affected the signal from NOAA15, but I did notice the radio landscape was more clear than normal that morning – however that did not result in a particularly clear image. (This is not the best image of the bike-tenna but the one I took on the day of this capture.)
2021-10-31 10:21:01
Anna Pasco Bolta
Munich, Germany
2021-10-31 18:56:46
Aouefa Amoussouvi
Bucharest, Romania
cosy chill evening
2025-02-15 11:18:31
Applicant Visit Day attendees
Between Queens and Schilling Buildings, Royal Holloway University of London, United Kingdom
United Kingdom
This image was collected by a group of secondary school students who attended an Applicant Visit Day at Royal Holloway. During the pass, Meteor MN2-3 made an appearance on the same frequency as NOAA 18!
2025-01-25 09:25:34
Arthur Almeida
Complexo da Maré, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
Na imagem, vemos a vinda de nuvens que aparentam ter uma grande densidade em direção à América do Sul, maior parte indo ao sul e sudeste do Brasil.
2025-01-27 06:47:32
Arthur Almeida
Complexo da Maré, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
We can see the state of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil completely covered in clouds.
2024-06-27 04:59:45
asdf, asdf
2021-10-07 03:51:53
Asst. Prof. Dr. Chonmapat Torasa
2020-09-06 03:52:00
Audrey Briot
Saint André, France
It was raining today so I installed my V-Dipole antenna on one of my studio's rooftop. I covered it with plastic bags to protect connexions. The antenna is facing south, which means that it is kind of facing the house of my neighbour. This neighbour is often spying us, so I wonder what she thinks about this antenna.
2024-12-24 10:34:00
Automatic Ground Station 12 Florida
Gainesville, Florida , United States
United States
We ran two AGS at the same time to test the difference between a weatherised V-dipole and a static mounted Turnstile on the top of the roof. The pass was around 68 degrees in maximum elevation- so not ideal, but good enough for a comparison. Steve reclined on the roof and used a spare curtain rod to hold the V-dipole in a static position for eleven minutes. We ran a spare radio cable from the V-dipole through the garage door to AGS 12, while AGS 3 stayed connected to the turnstile. Comparing the images is interesting: AGS 12 / V-dipole picked up the satellite signal a little earlier, but more bands of interference run through the start of the image. In contrast, AGS 3 / Turnstile pick up the signal later, but the middle part of the image is generally clearer. The antennas lose the signal at about the same time to the South.
2025-01-18 10:09:00
Automatic Ground Station 12 London
London, United Kingdom
United Kingdom
2024-12-22 11:29:00
Sasha Engelmann Steve Engelmann
Patio Homes, Newberry , United States
United States
Day 1 of the Florida Automatic Ground Station testing phase. A turnstile antenna is taped to a tripod sitting on the angle of the roof. An RF cable runs through a crack in the garage window to the AGS on a worktable inside.
2024-12-23 10:47:00
Sasha Engelmann Steve Engelmann
Gainesville, Florida , United States
United States
2024-12-23 11:17:00
Sasha Engelmann Steve Engelmann
Gainesville, Florida , United States
United States
"How high did the water get?" asked Steve. Our waitress silently walked to the door of 'Steamers' cafe and pointed to a green line drawn on the wall above chest height. "The previous high water level was all the way down here" she added, bending all the way down to a wave pattern drawn with Sharpie about a foot off the ground. "Then Idalia was here" she said, referencing the 2023 Hurricane, and pointing to a black mark around two feet off the ground, not far from the lower mark. "We prepared for it to be somewhere in between" she said. In the midst of the bustling cafe at lunchtime, we all took a moment to look at the marks on the wall in silence. The distance between the water level that the town of Cedar Keys had prepared for, and how high the water rose during Hurricane Helene, was almost unbelievable. Later, driving through Suwaneee, another Gulf-side town north of Cedar Keys, we saw tree branches hoisted into upper tree branches, boats that appeared to have been lifted and dropped in driveways, broken windows, boarded-up holes, and debris still clinging to the upper branches of palms, cedars and other bushes. The newer houses were built on stilts 16 feet high or more - the new 'code' for building, we had learned from the waitress.
2024-12-24 10:34:00
Sasha Engelmann Steve Engelmann
Gainesville, Florida , United States
United States
After a few hours at Florida's coast, one begins to see beyond the obvious signs of damage from Hurricane Helene to houses and infrastructure, and other more subtle signals become visible. At the edge of the marshes in Suwannee, a town at the mouth of the Suwanneee river, the land had subsided significantly. We spotted a red life jacket caught in top of a stand of high reeds near the waterline. Near the Cedar Keys museum, a bleached log had been lifted into the upper branches of a Cedar or Juniper. "Have a good time on the island- or what's left of it" said a Cedar Keys resident named Tom as we left the community garden he had set up and repaired from storm damage. We noticed how local mud clams grow in clumps, clustering on each other, rather than on rocks, like the clams and mussels of California and the UK. In the mud, the footsteps of boots traced a path to a dense outcrop of clams, presumably for a local clam harvest. Raccoon feet looked like tiny hands sunk deep in the mud. "When I was young we all used to go clam stomping" said a woman we spoke to in Cedar Keys. "You would stand in the mud and stomp your feet down over the clam. They were huge" she made a sign with her hands, fingers arranged in a large diamond shape, "nothing like what we eat today", she added.
2024-12-25 10:22:00
Sasha Engelmann Steve Engelmann
Gainesville, Florida , United States
United States
"What is this obsession with 'manned' or 'unmanned'?!" jokes Bowen Yang, playing 'A Drone' on Saturday Night Live. "For the record" Bowen continues "I can get a man whenever I want!". The skit plays on political divisions haunting thousands if not millions of American Christmas Eve dinners this year. I had not heard about the reported drone sightings prior to arriving in Florida, but they have been raised by local family members at every opportunity. "What is the government really doing?" "Remember the media explosion about that one Chinese balloon?! Now there are hundreds of drones and no one is talking about it!" Or, "I just worry about what could happen in New York on New Years Eve". Earlier in the week, when Steve and I set up the turnstile antenna on the roof of my Mom's house, a family member walked over and asked if we could listen to the drones. I decided to preserve a bit of mystery: "this is for satellites, but both satellites and drones communicate via radio waves".
2024-12-26 10:08:00
Sasha Engelmann Steve Engelmann
Gainesville, Florida , United States
United States
Florida balances over one big aquifer: a hidden cavernous water system fed by rainfall that stretches beneath the everglades, wetlands and an ecological system known as 'moist sandy pine / hardwood woodlands'. Walking through the Sweetwater Wetlands south of Gainesville yesterday, we met some of the water on its way into the depths. Today, at Rainbow Springs, an hour further south, we saw some of it come out, bubbling up through pale white-gray sand, so abundantly that it creates the Rainbow River, a wide, flat river sustaining alligators, turtles, catfish, frogs, coral snakes and other wildlife. Rainbow Springs exists because of the thinner karst rock separating the aquifer from the surface, while elsewhere in the state, the rock-shield is much thicker. The upwelling makes the water below feel very close, even reachable, but we learned that the water in the Floridan Aquifer is between 17,000 and 26,000 years old. The springs seemed otherworldly in their crystal clear shallows, ferns and mossy trees, and two impressive waterfalls cascaded over towering rocks. One of the waterfalls was named 'Seminole Falls', after local Indigenous peoples who never ceded their land. We speculated that the two tall waterfalls might have been built up as the upwelling spring water deposited minerals over thousands of years. Later a park ranger informed us that the waterfalls were entirely man-made in the 1930s, created with sediment dredged from the bottom of the springs, and that water has been power-pumped to the top of the rocks for decades, just so visitors can watch it fall.
2024-12-27 09:56:00
Sasha Engelmann Steve Engelmann
Gainesville, Florida , United States
United States
We joked that Orlando kept getting farther away as we drove south on 75, east through Ocala National Forest, over the waters of Lake Monroe, and alongside cattle pastures and skeleton scarecrows. Rain splattered intermittently on the windshield. Billboards declared that ‘at 18 days since conception, a baby’s heart is already beating’, or ‘man up: your child needs you.’ An entire single story house rolled down the highway taking up two lanes, flanked by pickup trucks. A corner ‘yard art’ shop burst with bronze eagles, brown bears, American flags and an original Bob’s Big Boy sculpture, complete with a checkered red and white outfit and a sculptural hamburger on a plate.
2024-12-29 11:41:00
Sasha Engelmann Steve Engelmann
Gainesville, Florida , United States
United States
A huge amount of progress was made today with AGS reception! It is hard to contain the excitement while writing this weather note. After several months exploring ‘herringbone’ distortion patterns and deep diving into NOAA APT + Raspberry Pi tutorials, the team found an ‘instructable’ tutorial via which several people seemed to be receiving relatively long and clear NOAA images. In this tutorial, Grayson noticed a filter option for rtl_fm called -F 9 that we hadn’t tried to implement in the AGS code yet, and he added it in an update yesterday. Last night, the roof mounted turnstile in Florida had to be taken down due to a lightning storm and ‘extreme’ tornado warning. Yet even though it was up against a garage wall and under an overhang, the last evening pass of the day yesterday showed telemetry data at the top and bottom of the image, where previous captures only recorded static. This morning, despite an ongoing storm and tornado warning, the Turnstile was positioned out on the front lawn for a 70 degree max elevation pass shortly after 11:40. In stark contrast to previous ‘letterbox’ type images in which satellite data only appeared in the central strip of the recording, today the image is significantly longer and clearer, with telemetry data clearly showing through static at the beginning and end of the pass. Also, the typical ‘herringbone’ type distortion seen in all previous images appears to be gone! More testing will verify this but at present this is something to celebrate.
2024-12-30 11:28:00
Sasha Engelmann Steve Engelmann
Gainesville, Florida , United States
United States
We were late in plugging-in the semi-permanently mounted V-dipole antenna to the 'recording' AGS, but happy to see it standing on the peak of the garage roof, glinting orange-pink in the sunlight, without anyone attempting to hold it in place, as it received an image from NOAA-18. After several antenna radiation pattern calculations, we decided to try a test antenna height of 0.8 metres off the pinnacle of the roof. While some radio forums suggest putting the antenna as high as possible, others suggest this is not necessary, especially if one is already mounting on a semi-conductive wooden roof (as opposed to concrete or steel). Depending on what surface the v-dipole antenna takes as 'ground', the antenna height can create different patterns of reception, and can even lead to 'null' points where no signal data can be received. However, as Gainesville can get very strong, hurricane force winds, and we couldn't see many examples of tall antennas or rooftop weathervanes in the neighbourhood, we opted to keep the antenna height under one metre, and 0.8 seemed to work great today, despite our lateness. To secure the antenna mast to the roof, we used a steel 'weathervane' mount with special wood screws with deep ribbons that we had gotten at the local ACE hardware store, and a good coating of a transparent sealant gel called, somewhat counter-intuitively, 'Through the Roof!' We managed to hit a stud with one side of the steel mount, which was a good sign for the sturdiness of the antenna, but also meant that the drill pushed further into the roof on the stud side of the mount, and slightly unbalanced the mount. We unscrewed, knocked some wooden 'shims' under the metal pad at the stud side, and checked its straightness by hanging a roll of tape on a golden ribbon next to the mast. Tomorrow, hopefully, we will be able to tie the RF cable onto the mast, and bracket / secure the cable to the roof, wrapping it around the edge of the garage door and entering the garage where the AGS will stay plugged in.
2024-12-31 09:15:30
GREECE, Northern Greece
Northern Greece
NOAA 19 from Greece at 09:15AM local time ( 07:15 utc time)
2021-10-31 12:55:43
Kirkenes, Norway
cold and fog
2020-09-05 03:52:02
Reston, Virginia, USA
2020-09-06 03:52:01
Reston, Virginia, USA
2020-09-06 03:52:01
Reston, Virginia, USA
2020-09-06 03:52:01
Reston, Virginia, USA
2020-09-06 03:52:00
Reston, Virginia, USA
2021-10-31 08:10:59
Bill Liles
Reston, Virginia, USA
It is 11.1 Degrees C. Misty pleasent
2020-09-09 03:51:59
Carl Reinemann
Overcast with rain showers all day. High 56F. Winds NE at 10 to 15 mph. Very Gloomy
2021-10-31 08:47:49
Carl Reinemann
Jefferson Wisconsin, United States
United States
Fall is here. Tempsdown to a chilly 44°F this morning and the leaves are a briliant crimson
2021-10-31 08:11:09
Carl Reinemann
Jefferson Wisconsin, United States
United States
Cold, 44° F Fall is upon us and the leaves are crimson red
2024-01-10 20:50:30
Zuiderstrand Den Haag, Netherlands
It was a super cold night. Around that time polar jet streams brought cold air onto mainland euorpe as the polar vortex at the north pole was discrupted beginning of this year. The beach was surprisingly calm. No wind interferred with the recording and the sound of the satellite came in clearly.
2021-10-31 16:12:30
Catherine Fletcher
Norfolk, VA, United States
United States
mostly sunny, light breeze, 14 degrees C/58 degrees F
2021-10-28 09:30:49
Cédrick Tshimbalanga
Kinshasa, DR Congo
DR Congo
FR: Mon expérience pendant cette période était que je n'ai jamais travaillé avec la météo, et et non plus avec des antennes, mais j'étais très impatien pour voir les images satélitaire et aussi une chose que j'ai aussi aimé c'est que j'ai apris a capté le passe satelite. C'était très difficile au début mais après très facile et un peu comme un jeu ou je dois reclter des images avec précision mais aurienté par un son c'était trés interéssant et j'ai beaucoup aimé. EN: My experience during this period was that I never worked with the weather, nor with antennas, but I was very impatient to see the satellite images and also one thing that I also liked is that I I learned the satelite pass. It was very difficult at the beginning but afterwards very easy and a bit like a game where I have to capture images with precision but being directed by a sound it was very interesting and I liked it a lot. (English translation by Sasha Engelmann)
2023-03-13 11:39:00
Centre for Research Architecture: team 1
London, UK
Wind! Breeze as though we were on a Kent-ish beach
2021-10-31 07:25:00
Chonmapat Torasa
Bangkhen, Bangkok, Thailand
2021-10-31 09:42:51
Chonmapat Torasa
Bangkhen, Bangkok, Thailand
2022-05-08 11:36:00
Athens, Greece, Greece
2022-05-07 20:36:00
Christos Tsetsis
Athens, Greece
2024-09-14 12:22:00
Constanze Müller
Leipzig, Deutschland
2024-12-23 17:22:00
Cosmos Astronomy Club
Pune, India
2024-12-24 05:55:00
Cosmos Astronomy Club
Pune, India
2024-12-25 16:26:00
Cosmos Astronomy Club
Pune, India
2024-12-26 16:13:00
Cosmos Astronomy Club
Pune, India
2024-12-27 14:06:00
Cosmos Astronomy Club
Pune, India
2024-12-28 04:35:00
Cosmos Astronomy Club
Pune, India
2024-12-29 17:45:00
Cosmos Astronomy Club
Pune, India
2024-12-31 14:02:00
Cosmos Astronomy Club
Pune, India
2025-01-01 05:54:00
Cosmos Astronomy Club
Pune, India
2025-01-02 18:37:00
Cosmos Astronomy Club
Pune, India
2025-01-03 16:14:00
Cosmos Astronomy Club
Pune, India
2025-01-12 16:02:00
Cosmos Astronomy Club
Pune, India
2025-01-13 04:36:00
Cosmos Astronomy Club
Pune, India
2025-01-16 17:17:00
Cosmos Astronomy Club
Pune, India
2025-02-01 22:44:00
Cosmos Astronomy Club
Pune, India
2025-02-17 11:27:00
Cosmos Astronomy Club
Pune, India
2025-02-24 22:51:00
Cosmos Astronomy Club
Pune, India
2025-02-25 11:25:00
Cosmos Astronomy Club
Pune, India
2023-03-13 11:39:33
Goldsmiths University London, United Kingdom
United Kingdom
2022-04-17 20:04:07
London, England
There was almost no wind, the sky just above was clear and the temperature was slowly lowering as the sun was setting behind distant clouds.
2022-08-02 22:23:34
Saint Barthelemy, France
During the pass I was facing the Atlantic Ocean from Grand Cul de Sac beach. The night was dark, warm and breezy. I could hear the sound of the waves slowly lapping the sandy shore while observing the stars thanks to a clear sky. The forecast caption shows the Atlantic Ocean and the Caribbean sea, spanning North to South from Florida to the French Guiana.
2022-08-14 12:44:15
Grezieu La Varenne, France
After weeks of dry, extremely hot and sunny days, the sky was thickly loaded with light greys and white clouds. Some thunder claps woke me up in the early morning and the rain started to pour heavily, watering finally the earth which suffered from drought. That morning, the temperature dropped for almost 10 C degrees in a couple of hours.
2022-09-30 10:32:00
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
2024-12-23 22:32:51
Portsmouth, UK
Tiny amounts of rain at receiving spot. Image shows some rain clouds over France and Bay of Biscay and just off the coast of Ireland in the Atlantic Ocean.
2021-10-31 07:35:08
Dey Kim
Goyang, South Korea
South Korea
Partly cloudy
2025-02-04 11:59:25
Deyi Xu, Guo Zhen, Somin Yu, Weiting Diao, Yu-Hsin Hsiao, Ziyi Yang
Near the Deptford Bridge DLR station, United Kingdom
United Kingdom
Cloudy, just like the typical British weather, also a bit cold. And I did see heavy clouds in the image.
2024-02-22 11:25:02
Elliott Engelmann
Classon Ave, Brooklyn, United States
United States
Freezing air, but cotton-ball like clouds hovered over Prospect heights today. We noticed how the satellite signal came through, bouncing around nearby highrises and possibly affected by the elevated hill of prospect park to our West.
2024-02-25 10:44:07
Elliott Engelmann
New York City, United States
United States
Sunny day at Jacob Riis park in New York, about 2 degrees C, bit of wind from the southwest. I see mostly clear skies all the way up and down the east coast of the U.S. with a few clouds in mainland Canada and a weather system over the Atlantic. I'm noticing very little snow cover in the northeast U.S. until Maine, which is not typical for this time of year.
2025-02-19 10:09:55
Royal Holloway University of London, United Kingdom
United Kingdom
2020-09-18 03:51:59
This image was taken in the proximity of many more turnstile antennas during a group sensing session as the finale of an amazing workshop. The surrounding was an artist built compound. It was my very first recording.
2020-09-21 03:51:58
This was a family effort. Three people involved in the recording, two did it for the first time. It was an open field in the country side, clear blue sky. Many passersby were irritated by the activity. Afterwards we listened to some radio together.
2020-09-21 03:51:58
This recording happened by accident. We were playing around with the antenna on the porch and suddenly the signal appeared so we decided to record it. The antenna was held by three people, one did it for the first time. It was a pleasant evening with the BBQ just heating up.
2021-01-23 03:51:57
When I woke up I wanted to check the satellite passes for the day and realized there was one happening in that very moment, passing right in front of my window. I quickly assembled the antenna and caught the second half of the pass through the open window of my room.
2021-01-23 03:51:57
This image was received simultaneously with a friend in a different location. We had exchanged the passing times earlier in the day and then both sensed from our locations and shared our images later on. The sensing was done domestically on the porch – just stepping outside to check the satellite.
2021-01-23 03:51:57
This image was received together in collaboration with my mum. We were not able to receive a signal although all the settings were correct so we tried to change location and walked to the open crossway close by. Eventually I saw the signal at 138.009.662 instead of the regular NOAA 19 frequency which I had set Cubic SDR to. I changed frequency and suddenly we received the signal and started recording. So far nobody has been able to explain this frequency shift of the satellite to me. Any hints are welcome.
2021-01-24 03:51:57
This was my dad's very first satellite sensing session. We did it in the open field on a beautiful sunny morning and a pass at almost 90 degrees.
2021-03-28 03:51:56
2023-03-13 11:43:00
Faye Leonie Fine
London, New Cross, UK
windy, excited, bright but cloudy, noisy