Local Date
11 January 2024Local Time
Eline Vere Park, Den HaagCountry or Territory
The NetherlandsName
Soph DyerSatellite
NOAA-19Radio Callsign
Archive ID
"GLOBAL SOLIDARITY CALL WITH SOUTH AFRICA. JUSTICE FOR GAZA, MANIFESTATION AND LIVESTREAM OF COURT HEARING. Bring banners and signs with text: 'No genocide, No ethnic cleansing, Anywhere', 'Justice for the Palestinians', IsraelOnTrial for its #GazaGenocide'" @free.palestine.nl
Today, I am unable to organise my experience of the weather into the coherent report.
At lunch, I stood in the park behind the ICJ and watched a live stream of South Africa's lawyers argue that Israel is intended to commit genocide.
Outside it is still below freezing.
A street away, the students are build antennas:
Tree branch-tennas,