Contribute to the public archive

Upload your recording and help create a collective record of earth and its many weathers.

We accept recordings of automatic picture transmissions (APT) from satellites NOAA-15, NOAA-18 and NOAA-19.

Please note that by submitting this form you agree to license your contribution under the Creative Commons license Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0. You can revoke this permission at anytime by writing to us.

* indicates required question

The file type should be WAV.

For example, a photo of you, your ground station, the weather or your local environment. A maximum of five files no larger than 20 MB in total can be uploaded.

    For example, how was your experience of the weather while receiving the image? What do you see in your image? Where do you locate the climate crisis in your community or environment?

    Open-weather is committed to understanding experiences of climate change. If you are experiencing the climate crisis, please add up to three words that reflect your experience.

    You do not need to use your real name. Leave this field blank if you want your entry to be anonymous.

    Learn more about radio callsigns here.

    We welcome use of informal or descriptive place names.

    If you do not know the exact coordinate, make a best guess. Please use decimal degrees. For example: 51.50 and -0.18. To protect your privacy, we will only save your coordinates to two decimal places.

    We will use the date to georeference your satellite image.

    We will use the time to georeference your satellite image. The start time is often recorded in the audio filename. Please use the 24-hour time format HH:MM:SS. For example 15:01:26

    Useful online calculator: The UTC date below has been calculated using your latitude, longitude, and local time. If the UTC date is incorrect, please edit.

    Useful online calculator: The UTC time below has been calculated using your latitude, longitude, and local time. If the UTC time is incorrect, please edit.