Take part

Contribute to the open-weather Public Archive

Submit your satellite recording and field notes to our Public Archive, be part of the open-weather project, and help to build a collective record of the earth and its weather systems during an era of climate crisis.

Use our Resources

To learn more about our politics, explore the ‘Feminist open-weather handbook‘.

To find out more about our planetary “nowcasts”, watch our 30 minute talk for Sonic Acts Biennial.

To engage with our academic research, read ‘Open-weather: speculative feminist propositions for planetary images in an era of climate crisis‘.

Set up your own DIY Satellite Ground Station

Jump to how to build your ground station or deep dive into pedagogical tools in our ‘DIY Satellite Ground Station Workshop Resource‘. The resource is designed so that you can run a DIY Satellite Ground Station workshop and teach others.

Past versions of the ‘DIY satellite ground station workshop resource’ have been translated into French and Polish. If you are interested in a French, Polish or other language version, please email us.

Already familiar with satellite image reception? Read more about signal decoding and how open-weather’s decoder works in ‘Learn how the decoder open-weather APT works

Take part in the Year of Weather

Public launch in autumn 2024.

Sign up to our ‘low frequency’ newsletter

To receive invitations to participate in collective earth imaging events and occasional updates about open-weather’s other activities, sign-up to our Substack.